Thursday, May 21, 2009

Our year of hell

I've been missing my Mom A LOT the last couple of weeks. We're hoping the hospital will let her have a day pass for Monkey's birthday. It's so hard for her to miss all the big milestones.

I can't believe that she's been in hospital for almost 10 months now, and for 5 or 6 of those months she was under sedation. She's doing so well. Her strength is coming back, she's able to walk further and further and she has a little feeling back in her right arm. I am very proud of her, and wish I was half as strong!

Tyler's health is on it's way back also. His Nephrotic Syndrome is doing much better and his swelling is gone. Nothing like really expensive drugs, and Monkey hugs & kisses to do the trick!

If Tyler and I can make it through all the ups and downs of this year, we can make it through anything. Now we just need to work on Tyler's taste in music.


Sean Wraight said...

What a lovely and hopeful post. You have a huge heart my friend and it really shows in your writing.

Fingers crossed that your Mom is able to attend the big day in person Liz.


Monkeys Mommy said...

Thanks, Sean! My heart, although slightly dented, is very full.

Also, we just found out that the day pass is a Go. We are all very excited!